Saturday, August 23, 2014


Wow, did the week fly by or what?  So I started my first week back to school and no, I’m not caught up yet…lol.  But I plan to be.  It’s been an exercise in caution to juggle everything I need to do, but the Lord will help me, and for that I am indeed grateful.

I have enjoyed five consecutive hours of “Chopped,” I love that cooking show, and then I watched “Outlander,” on Demand.  Claire’s story seems even more dramatic and heart-wrenching watching it on television.  I love the references to herbs, and how she stood up to the priest.

As I said last week, there is definitely something about a Highlander in a kilt that is so hot, but I don’t have to tell ya’ll that.  So, if you could go back in time, which era and place would you go to?  There are a lot of awesome places I’d love to visit.  Perhaps Scotland, Ireland, and England might be some of the spots I’d want to hang out in.  Not sure how long I could stay in medieval times without my Wifi or without air conditioning, but it would be fun to find out. 

Perhaps I would go back to a time when my parents were alive and ask them all the questions I can’t ask now.  So, where would you go and when?

Have an awesome week!

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