Sky is a wonderful and dear friend of mine. She is also and excellent and
awesome author. I'm so happy she's here to fill us in on what's she's doing
and what comes next!
What is the first book you wrote and is it published?
The first book I wrote was Fate’s Monolith (Book I in Scottish Trilogy). Yes, it’s published.

What is one of the most favorite books you’ve ever written and why?
I would have to say Destiny’s Denial (Book II in Scottish Trilogy) because I related with it the most. A great deal of the heroine’s character was based on myself! (except her looks J) In addition, my grandmother made her first appearance in this one. No longer with me, it was wonderful reconnecting and remembering her in this novel.

How do you manage your writing, revisions, etc with day-to-day living?
*Smiles* With a lot of patience! My four year old keeps me pretty busy. I’m a huge goal setter and allow myself a certain amount of time to do certain things. For example, from 8-9 PM, I’ll promote to various groups, etc. From 9-10, I might edit. From 10-12, I’ll write. The schedule varies but I find I get more accomplished if I pace myself and not get overwhelmed.
What inspired you to pick up a pen or a pc and start writing?
Well, I’ve been writing on and off since I was a child. What made me finally commit to writing a novel? A trip to the Scottish Highland Games here in New Hampshire. There I discovered my clan─the Brouns─had been intermarried with my husband’s clan (Lamonts- ancient Gaelic name- Mac’Lomains) for over 300 years during the medieval period. As you can imagine, this sparked a story idea about fate, destiny and true love.
Where do you see yourself as a writer five, ten years down the road?
#1 Best Seller on Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook and Sony Reader! *Grins* The way I figure it─though I love paperback books─Ebooks are indeed the wave of the future. I intend to be part of that!
What was the hardest basic writing tool you had to learn and why?
Hmm. Can I say, “Microsoft Word?” It’s what I’ve used to write everything. At some points I wanted to throw my PC out of the window. But it was never the PC’s fault, simply my many ‘oops’ while learning the ups and downs of MS Word.
What do you do to get your books out there for readers?
Everything! J An , ‘off the cuff list’ of some sites I utilize? Coffee Time Romance, Author’s Den, Author’s Meeting Place, Manic Readers, Amazon forums, Facebook, Myspace, my website. Other ways include blogging, putting book trailers up at Blazing Trailers and UTube. I stay active at all groups, including Ning and Yahoo. Provide a mailing list and created my own Yahoo Group (If you join my group today you’re entered for a chance to win a $10.00 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press! (Here’s the link.. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/skyromance/). I send out bookmarks, etc to bookstores and libraries. Try to schedule as many local book signings as possible. There’s much more but…I want to leave some space on your blog!
Tell us a bit about you before you became a writer and now.
Before I became a writer, I kept busy working for Weathervane Seafoods doing everything from waitressing to managing. I guess you could say the restaurant business is in my blood. I love meeting new people and making friends. I met SO many wonderful people over the years working for them. More characters than you can possibly imagine! In addition, I took five years worth of correspondence writing courses while working.
What do you have planned for your next book?
My next book is actually the second novel in my newest trilogy. This trilogy follows three modern day guys─ paranormal investigators all─who become part of the most intense haunting ever. They’re victims of an ancient curse set upon their ancestor, Callum. All three tales tell of a different house that traps an evil creature. The first tale (The Victorian Lure (Callum’s Curse: The Beginning) is Leathan (Scotsman) and Dakota’s story. The story I’m working on now, working title The Georgian Dimension (Callum’s Curse: The Years Between) is Devin (Irishman) and Isabel’s story.
If you could rewrite one book, which one would it be, and why?
It doesn’t have to be one you’ve written. Truthfully? Probably, The King’s Druidess (short lead-in to Scottish Trilogy) Why? This story ties everything in my Scottish Trilogy together so it’s important. I’d probably make it a tad bit longer.
If you could go one place inside your book, be with one hero, etc, where and who would it be?
Lord, didn’t I mention I was half in love with Ferchar, the hero from Destiny’s Denial (Book II)? Ferchar is named after the original recorded Chieftain of the Mac’Lomain clan in Cowal, Scotland 1199. Naturally, I transformed him. Picture this...tall, lean muscles, black hair, light blue piercing eyes, wears a tartan…sighs, swoons! I suppose more than anything it was his attitude─blunt, brooding and dwelling in his past. I know, doesn’t sound that appealing…but it is. C’mon, tell me you haven’t looked twice at that strong, ‘says it like I see it’ guy with issues? And─ in this case─ the right woman comes along and the ‘Ferchar’ his family once knew and loved slowly resurfaces. Where would I be with him? Oh, that’s easy─in the highland cave behind the waterfall on the night of the traditional handfast. I’m doomed to make love to him. I shouldn’t. But I didn’t run run fast enough to avoid such an outcome. Yet I burn─yearn. I want this. No. How could I? Ferchar’s magic ignites. He will have what he desires. You guessed it…I’m putting myself in the shoes of Caitlin!
Is there anything you want to say to your readers?
Yes! Sylvan Mist (Book III in Scottish Trilogy) will be released on June 18th. It’s a huge day for me in that I’ve been waiting three years for this. At long last, my entire trilogy comes to life. Pop over to my website to learn more. Here’s the link…http://www.skypurington.com

Like blogging? Swing over to my blog (http://www.skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com) and join me in the last few weeks of my Spring has Sprung Blog Event. It’s all about meeting new fantastic authors. Leave a comment for a chance to win an Ecopy of the book being discussed and a $4.50 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press. Become a follower and keep up to date on the latest contests! Rubs hands together in anticipation…I’ve got something scrumptious coming to my blog this summer. Think over eight weeks of sizzlin’ hot heroes out of the Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Delicious treats from this time period and the past. So if you like Celts, Highlanders, Regency, this might be up your alley. Meet new authors. Win a TON of great prizes. Comment to win big. Oh, did I mention Ms. Faith V. Smith is part of this event? Pop over July 19th-23rd to see which super novel she’ll be chatting about! Thank you SO much for having me visit, Faith. Love your blog ! Cheers ~Sky Posted by Faith V. Smith at 10:48 AM 0 comments Links to this post
You are so busy! I'm inspired by all that you get accomplished and with a toddler besides. I want to be more organized like you! Congrats on the new release!!
Hi Valerie!
Welcome. Isn't Sky just awesome?
I cut and pasted her social site and marketing ideas and sent an email to myself. So yes, I would say that Sky is pretty awesome! Great blog, btw. If you ever need a guest blogger or a quick filler, let me know!
Thanks Valerie! Shoot me an email and tell me more about you and what you write, please.
Congratulations, Sky! I have 2 girls sandwiched around yours--3 1/2 and 5. Keep you grounded, don't they? Happy sales!
Hi Sarah,
Welcome! Good to have you with us!
Hi Everyone, sorry I'm late! Faith, thanks sooooo much for having me. You're the best! :) Valerie, glad you like my marketing ideas! Sarah, YES, the little one certainly keeps me busy!!!
Thanks for popping in all!
(((SKY))) Better late than not at all! Just glad you are here. Thankfully the blog played nice this time.
Great post ladies! I enjoyed it! Hi Sky!!! You know I love you! And oh man, when you put yourself into Caitlin's shoes, you sure did draw me in! Best of luck!!!
Andrea :O)
Welcome Andrea,
So glad you popped in. I know Sky will be by in a bit!
Awe, great to see you here, Andrea!!! Thanks for the 'rave' about DD, you're so sweet!
Big Huge Hugs,
Faith, Thanks for introducing us to Sky--who's certainly depressed me with her examples of high energy! I feel like a wimp in comparison. Actually I feel spurred on to reorganize my time--too much enjoying of other books, internet browsing, lazy gardening (sitting on my butt and weeding or planting at leisure) etc., etc.
Sky, I love the sounds of your Scots heroes and stories. Thanks for the inspiration! Makes me want to tackle another English historical with moody hero again!
Hi Ellie, welcome! Isn't Sky marvelous? She makes me tired too!
So glad you came by! Please visit more often!
Thanks for popping in, Ellie. Yeah, I've definitely learned that time organization is a must! I used to have moments where I stared at the computer, totally overwhelmed with all I needed to get finished. What happened then? Nothing! I usually ended up playing around at Facebook or something.
As to the gardening? You go girl! That's NEVER a waste of time.
Get going on that English historical. Love them!
Thanks for the kind words about my stories. :)
Hip-check, Faith. We were posting at the same time! ;) As to the energy? As you know, it fizzles on occasion!
How cool! Yep let's do a happy dance!
Hi Sky & Faith,
Awesome post Sky. You gather no moss as my Grandma would've sid. I ordered Destiny'sDenial. Can't wait for it to arrive :)
I'll talk with you later. Right now, enjoy your night.
Hi Jaclyn,
Good to have you with us! Isn't it great to find new books to read?
Thanks for swinging in, Jaclyn! Hope you enjoy Destiny's Denial!
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