I met Angela several years ago, after I had the pleasure of reviewing her book, The Forever Kiss. We became friends and she an inspiration to me. I love her work, love her, and love how she can turn blank pages into hours of page turning reads!
Thank you Angela for taking the time from your busy schedule to be interviewed by moi! You are the best!
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I have been a professional writer for 20 years, beginning with a stint as a comic book writer in 1988. Now I'm a New York Times bestselling author of vampire and futuristic romance.
Wow, that is quite impressive!
When did you know you were meant to be a writer?
When I wrote my first story, "The Mouse that went to the moon," at age 9.
How old were you when you penned your first book? And was it one that became published?
Again, the "Mouse that Went to the moon," which wasn't published.
If you can, name your favorite book and characters. They don't have to be from the same book.
My favorite character is Miles Vorkosigan, created by Lois McMaster Bujold, because the hero is a physically handicapped military genius who is clever, witty, and doesn't let his disabilities stop him. I also adore J.D. Robb Eve Dallas from the IN DEATH books. My favorite book is DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY by Bujold.
I am a fan of Eve Dallas myself!
How did you get started in the publishing world?
As a comic book writer; I had written a series called "Cycops." Some of the ideas from that novel -- computer viruses that attack people through their computer implants, etc. -- also appeared in the TIME HUNTERS sereis.
What is your favorite genre to read and to write?
I love paranormal erotic romance featuring vampires.
Any favorite authors you would like to name?
Lois McMaster Buljold, Nora Roberts, Linda Howard, Laurell K Hamilton, JR Ward, -- these are just a few.
If you could change the ending of one book you've ever read, which one would it be and how?
I can't think of one. Generally, authors give a book the ending it needs.
What do you have coming down the pipes next?
MASTER OF FIRE, the next book in the MAGEVERSE series.
Any words of wisdom to wannabe published authors?
Don't give up. Read everything you can, and actively work to improve your skills in areas such as grammar, if necessary. I like EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES on comma placement.
Is there any one person in your life that made a difference in your writing career?
My husband, who has been endlessly supportive and encouraging.
Any thing you would like to say to your fans?
I truly appreciate the e-mails you send my telling me about what you think of my books. It means a lot to me to know someone would take the time to write me.
Angela Knight is the USA Today bestselling author of books for Berkley, Red Sage, Changeling Press, and Loose Id. Her first book was written in pencil and illustrated in crayon; she was nine years old at the time. A few years later, she read The Wolf and the Dove and fell in love with romance. Besides her fiction work, Angela's publishing career includes a stint as a comic book writer and ten years as a newspaper reporter. Several of her stories won South Carolina Press Association awards under her real name.
In 1996, she discovered the small press publisher Red Sage, and realized her dream of romance publication in the company's Secrets 2 anthology. She went on to publish several more novellas in Secrets before editor Cindy Hwang discovered her work there and asked her if she'd be interested in writing for Berkley. Not being an idiot, Angela said yes.
Whatever success she has enjoyed, she attributes to the marvelous editors she's had over the years. David Anthony Kraft and Dwight Zimmerman at Comics Interview taught her the nuts and bolts of fiction writing. Alexandria Kendall of Red Sage discovered her talent for romance writing and encouraged her to believe in herself. And she will be forever grateful to Berkley editor Cindy Hwang, who has been unfailingly supportive.
Angela lives in South Carolina with her husband, Michael, a polygraph examiner and hostage negotiator for the county's Sheriff's Office. The couple have a grown son, Anthony.
Visit Angela at
Nice interview, Angela. We love paranormal romance and are looking forward to reading more by you. I actually have SHIFTER sitting on my desk right now. Guess I need to read MAD DOG LOVE, your short story in the book.
Welcome Tia!
Angela, I believe is on the road, but I'm sure she appreciates your comments.
I love her work!
Hi Faith,
I just want to say that as well as being an awesome writer Angela is a wonderful teacher as well. Earlier this year I took an online class from her that I learned a lot from.
All the Best,
Hi Jana,
I agree completely. Angela is an awesome teacher. She told me years ago, not to quit writing, and I followed her advice and kept going!
Now with two books out, another one being released next year, I am still learning.
Thank you for stopping by!
I saw you on Eliza March's blog and though I'd pop over for a visit...love your blog. The interview was great!
Hi Hawk,
So glad you stopped by. It's good to have you here. I'm glad you like the site. I love Eliza and will be happy to see you here more in the future also!
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